Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Anagrams #2

Maybe I am LATE, but I'm ready with you build a TALE.

Just like the strong TIDE, there's something in my heart that i can't EDIT.

Is it a SLIP, when I touch your LIPS?

My intention isn't SLIGHT, i really wanna share you LIGHTS.

I know our stories isn't like a TRAIL, but I'm sure I never let you as a TRIAL.

I remember you as ALWAYS, would we be together before SYAWAL? *eaaa*

I don't wanna lost in a WARD, I just wanna see your beautiful DRAW.

I'm sorry for something RAW, but I really don't want to make us WAR.

Do my mind really have to WARP? It's just about kindness that I wanna WRAP.